Take Me To Your Leader Writer

- David Seymour
- ...has written more leaders (newspaper editorials) than anyone alive or dead, an honour still to be recognised by the Guiness Book of Records or the Nobel judges. I have produced them for the Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Sunday Mirror, Today, the Sunday People, the Evening Post (Hemel Hempstead), the Caithness Courier and the Student (Edinburgh). My creed is: Have opinions, Will travel.
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
A Tale of Two Countries
Here we are back in Greece and what a reversal of fortunes there has been. Two years ago, there seemed to be a certain stability in the UK after the 2015 general election while Greece was in turmoil, politically and economically. Now it is the Greeks who are enjoying stability and increased prosperity - though they still have a long way to go - while the British are in utter turmoil. From a distance, the fast-growing crisis at home seems even more stark. There are still so many blinkered fools who can't or won't see what is happening and what the consequences will be. People were already angry, which is why so many voted Leave, but when they realise they have been conned and suffer the disaster that is hitting them, their finances, their prospects and their country, they will be very, very angry indeed. I see two alternatives. In one, Jeremy Corbyn grasps the seriousness of the situation and swings Labour behind Remain. Not likely, admittedly, but if he understood that would mean he will be prime minister in a year, it may happen. The other alternative is that nothing changes, the government collapses, Brexit negotiations descend into an even greater farce than when they started, the economy falls off a cliff and the NHS virtually collapses. You can expect riots on the streets next summer when that happens. There were equally dire warnings about Greece two years ago but they had a clever left-wing leader who held a referendum - we were here during it - and then pretty well ignored the result to do what was right for his country, painful though it was and continues to be. What is happening in the UK is so insane that it is impossible to prophecy where it will end, except that it will be very nasty. More damage has been done to our country already than was imaginable a couple of years ago. We are the laughing stock of the world - and that is quite an achievement when Donald J. Trump is in the White House.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
It isn't Corbyn's left-wing views that threaten this country
Those of you who read my blog on negotiating tactics would have seen demonstrated yesterday a classic case history on How Not To Do It. The Government has so boxed itself in that David Davis went into Day One of the Brexit negotiations with only two alternatives. He could cave in or walk out. And since walking out before things had even started was impossible - particularly after the election - he did the only thing left to him, which was to capitulate. How the EU's leaders must be laughing at us. When Davis tried to wriggle around what had happened, Michel Barnier let his aggravation show and made the critical point that the Brexiteers just refuse to understand: The UK wanted this, so it can't expect any favours. Our pathetic negotiators and negotiating position are clearly going to collapse. It is only a matter of time. That should be the moment when it would be possible to admit it had all been a terrible mistake, the Leave voters were misinformed and didn't realise the consequences, and can we please have our EU membership back. Yet there is one real obstacle to that - and it isn's the Mail/Sun/Express/Dacre/Murdoch, let alone the increasingly wild-eyed Outers on the Tory benches. It is Jeremy Corbyn. Before the election, the widespread cry went up that there was no opposition to what the Conservatives were doing generally. Then came the campaign, Corbyn's rise to popularity and an unexpected result. Opposition is back - at least, opposition to austerity, enforced poverty and increased privatisation. But there is no real opposition to the biggest issue that faces the country, and that is our withdrawal from the European Union. John McDonnell was always an Outer, as paid-up members of the far left are. Corbyn was more wishy-washy, but his left-wing credentials pushed him towards Leave and he has now bought into it totally. Which has given the Out mob the chance to say that 80 per cent of those who voted in the election voted in favour of not just Brexit but a hard Brexit. Not in my name, comrades. Tragically, the bulk of the Labour Party, which supports Remain but is utterly cowed by getting Corbyn so wrong, are going along with it. This is going to end in tears.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Is this what was meant by the 'Bonfire of red tape'?
It is impossible to say whether the widespread cuts in police numbers contributed to the three recent terrorist atrocities but it is equally impossible not to draw the conclusion that penny-pinching played a part in the awful loss of life at Grenfell Tower. Even though £8 million was spent on refurbishment, there clearly weren't effective fire alarms and defences. The firefighters did a wonderful job but their numbers have been cut. How long hospitals will be able to cope with mass tragedies such as this is questionable with the continuing shortage of funds and difficulties in staffing A&E units in particular. There were murmurings yesterday when these issues were raised that this was "playing politics" with a disaster. But it wasn't a natural disaster - not a hurricane or tsunami. It happened in a man-made building and seems to have been caused by and spread by man-created materials. And of course the decisions that stopped proper fire defences being installed and which relegated fire regulations were obviously man - and woman - made. Gavin Barwell when housing minister deliberately did not promote fire safety because it would cost money and introduce new red tape. What sort of mad ideology thinks saving people's lives is red tape? No one said that the "bonfire of red tape" the Tories promised would extend to the conflagration of scores of people. Barwell, now ensconced in Downing Street, is not particularly responsible. The shortage of funds and restrictions on "new red tape" were decisions taken above his pay grade. But it is no wonder people are so contemptuous of politicians when ministers are either too dumb to understand the consequences of what they do or too weak to fight against them. Nor, with hindsight, is it any wonder that the British people voted in such numbers for Jeremy Corbyn. "Cuts" is no longer just a political slogan. They are having a real impact on people's lives. Those families in Grenfell Tower weren't only affected by the lack of fire precautions but will have been hit by cuts to schools, health, welfare and in various other parts of their lives. The great political tragedy is that there is a vicious conspiracy - driven by the Tory papers - to stop discussion of the sort of country we want to live in. People say they want to take back control. Yet the real control isn't exercised from Brussels but from Westminster. And it is doing irrevocable damage to the country and the institutions which matter most to all but the privileged few.
Saturday, 3 June 2017
Lies, damned lies and the Tory papers
To look at the front pages of the Tory newspapers yesterday (I haven't inflicted todays' on myself yet) was to peer into a parallel universe. Following the election on radio and television it was clear that Corbyn was having a good one, looking assured, dealing with difficult questions well (usually) and not avoiding answering them or hiding from the voters. Theresa May was the opposite. She is having a stinker of an election. She doesn't know how to deal with issues, parrots cliches and simply regurgitates nonsense instead of attempting to deal with questions, even when they aren't that difficult to answer [in evidence, m'lud, I call her interview with the Portsmouth Herald, not generally known as one of the nation's most incisive questioners]. She looks quite out of her depth. Then look at The Sun, Mail, Express and Telegraph. The Sun yesterday filled its front page with a picture of a tree with money hanging off it to illustrate "Labour's money tree" - the line pumped out by Central Office to attack Labour's pledge to spend more on health, social care and education. It also claimed that a Corbyn victory would cost every family £3,600 a year - although when the Remain camp produced a similar figure during the referendum campaign, it was denounced by The Sun (among others) as Project Fear. The Mail yesterday claimed that Labour would hit pensioners with a massive tax bill - ignoring, naturally, that Theresa May is really the one who has launched an attack on older people. It would be nice to think that the voters are intelligent and knowledgeable enough to treat this nasty, unbalanced stuff with the contempt it deserves but enough of them won't. I still hear plenty on the radio who describe May as strong and don't recognise the qualities Corbyn has been displaying. Remember the infamous headline after the 1992 election: It's The Sun wot won it? It will be again this time.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Could the end of the world really now be nigh?
The consequences of the Trump presidency make what could happen if the UK leaves the EU pale into insignificance, One will mainly have severe consequences on the British people, the other could lead to unthinkable disaster. Donald Trump is a dangerous, dangerous man. He is clearly more than psychologically disturbed and has surrounded himself with some very nasty people. While the quality of today's politician is generally low, certainly in this country, none so scrapes the bottom of the barrel as much as Donald J. Trump. He glories in doing the wrong thing. George W. Bush was not an intelligent or educated man but he looks like Einstein compared to the current holder of the office. Of course there are some leaders worthy of the name - Angela Merkel, obviously, and Emmanuel Macron is already shaping up well as the French President. His statement after the Trump climate-denying announcement that we should "Make the planet great again" was a brilliant twist of the knife in the moronic Trump narrative. Sadly, Trump and his people don't only not care, it pumps them up in their war against the rest of the world. One White House insider is supposed to have said, when told that the decision would upset Europe, "That's another bonus." Not even the greatest Cold War warrior would have said that about the Soviet Union. Doing all you can to spit in the face of your opponents and revelling in your successes in doing that is a sign of pathetic immaturity. The big question is where this goes now. Not particularly on climate change but for the future of peace in the world. It may be that Trump's greatest legacy will be to unite the rest of the planet. Yet if that makes the president even more paranoid, the possible consequences really are unthinkable.
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
The skilled art of negotiation (and it isn't Corbyn who hasn't got it)
When I was a trade union official, many years ago, I worked out that there were two ways to negotiate. One was to thump the table, shout, bluster, threaten to walk out and, indeed, sometimes walk out. The other was to try to find some common ground, behave with civility, never lose your temper and treat the other side with respect. It should be no surprise that I adopted the latter tactic, having taken over from a Father of the Chapel who had done the opposite. And I won the biggest pay rises for journalists that there had ever been on Fleet Street. So naturally it amuses and horrifies me to see Theresa May in effect taking the attitude towards the European Union negotiations that you would expect from the most rabid, hardline trade unionist. If Bob Crow were still alive, he would surely approve (he was very anti-EU anyway). The idea that the leaders of the 27 other countries will politely listen to her demands and then nod approvingly as she lectures them while playing to the image of being a bloody difficult woman is laughable. For a start, anyone who has ever been involved in negotiations and isn't completely stupid knows that the side which has the power has an advantage. And thinking that in a contest of 27 against 1, the 1 has the advantage is, frankly, breathtakingly moronic. That doesn't mean I think Jeremy Corbyn would be a great negotiator. I don't think he has done any since he was a junior public-service union official in the 1970s and the European team will be a lot different from management in a cottage hospital. That is irrelevant, though, as despite the interesting - yet clearly meaningless - latest poll, Theresa May will be the one leading the UK's negotiators. It is her who will be wandering naked into the negotiating chamber.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
This time it was May who missed the open goals
The sole way in what is left of the Lobby continues to operate is that political journalists agree on “the line”. A process which seems at times to work through osmosis but is nowadays helped by social media. Which is undoubtedly how the general view of last night’s non-debate between May and Corbyn came to be widely described as “a score draw”.
This is utter nonsense. Even though they weren’t in a face-to-face scrap, Corbyn clearly did well and the prime minister did not, as any neutral person would have appreciated. And not just neutrals – people like me who abhor Corbyn were won over. Even Douglas Carswell and Nigel Farage thought he was impressive. By contrast, Theresa May was exposed as the posturing cliché-ridden zombie some of us had already realised she is. Her performance on the Channel 4/Sky News programme couldn’t have been a score draw as she patently failed to score. Even her parroting of “Brexit means Brexit” only got applause because the people who applauded her would have cheered whatever she said about getting out of the EU. The Tory campaign will now spend the next nine days simply saying “Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit” and “Jeremy Corbyn is a terrorist lover”. The former will continue to reverberate with a large number of the voters who were duped into backing Leave and don’t yet realise how it is going to hurt them. The Corbyn slogan won’t resonate, though, as it says more about the Tories than it does about him. It is Lynton Crosby at his worst. He is one immigrant I would be happy to see put on the next slow boat back to where he came from It’s a pity that the Australian Points System so beloved of Ukip doesn’t mean one Australian in particular could be kept out of British life.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
The lemmings dash blindly to May's cliff-edge
Why is no one saying what this country will be like in 2022 when the next general election is held after five years under Theresa May? Partly because the opposition is bloody hopeless and partly because all seem incapable of looking beyond June 8. The Tory manifesto sets out a series of policies which are going to hit millions - not just the elderly but their relatives. The effects of leaving the European Union will by 2022 be growing obvious, with lower living standards and reduced public services as the tax-take falls. And public services are already on a downward spiral. Anyone who thinks the NHS can survive if it continues to be treated as it is at the moment is really living in a fool's paradise. The government won't listen to the people who know how serious things are - those who work in the health service. Just as they won't listen to the teachers and police who know what is happening to schools and law and order. At least Michael Fallow was honest when he admitted on Newsnight that curbing immigration would have a cost to this country and that the government hadn't a clue how great that cost would be. But that doesn't stop the Tories and the Ukip idiots lunging recklessly down the path of keeping out immigrants. The one thing all parties agree on is that this is the most important election of modern times. But none of them seem to understand why it is so important. It genuinely is about the future of the United Kingdom yet there is no real debate about the real issues and the real consequences of where we are heading. The cliff-edge lies ahead and the lemmings are blindly, madly rushing towards it.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
How Rhodri Morgan beat the Blair machine (eventually)
The death of Rhodri Morgan brings back to me my shameful involvement in the Blair machine's attempts to prevent him becoming the first First Secretary of the Welsh Assembly. When in the early years of the 1997 New Labour government the assembly was established, the contest to become its first leader was between Rhodri and Ron Davies, who as a member of the cabinet had been responsible for steering the Bill through Parliament. My view was that although Davies was described as the architect of the assembly, he was much more focussed on being part of the Westminster team whereas Morgan was a proper Welsh-focussed politician. But the Campbell-Mandelson axis got in touch with Piers Morgan and told him the Mirror should be supporting Ron Davies, which Piers readily agreed to (he always did in those days). So the Mirror backed Ron Davies (in other words, I wrote the leader saying he should be First Secretary). And he won. He never took up the post, though. I well remember the moment when I heard he had been caught in a "moment of madness" on Clapham Common. I was waiting to get on a ferry back to the mainland from the Isle of Wight. I wrote a leader when on the ferry but had to change it a bit when we landed as by then Davies had resigned. It seemed like fate had intervened and the right man was going to get the job after all. But no, that wasn't acceptable to the Blairites. They insisted on putting up Alun Michael, another of their acceptable ministers, against Rhodri when, of course he should just have got the job unchallenged. But he wasn't a politician No. 10 could control. I think I managed to keep the Mirror out of this election but, even so, once again Rhodri lost out. And once again the machinating Blair operation showed it was too clever, and too controlling, by half. Michael didn't last and finally Rhodri Morgan got the job he really wanted (his predecessors didn't seem too interested - it was just a career move for them) and to which he was perfectly suited. Rhodri Morgan never forgave the Mirror and rightly so. But at least he did lead the Welsh Assembly and proved how right he was for the role. It also proved what I had always believed, that if you were going to devolve power, you had to let the people of the devolved regions get on and make their own decisions, not continue to try to control things from London.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
It really is a mad, mad, mad, mad world
I can never remember how many "mads" there are in the title of the film It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World but, whatever the number, it is not enough for the world we currently inhabit. All the old certainties have been turned on their heads in the topsy-turvy lunacy in which we live. In the United Kingdom the Conservative Party, which had always been non-ideological and blindly supportive of all branches of the Establishment, is now fervently ideological, whatever the cost to the country. The party of capital and the bosses throws its weight behind the workers (at least, it says it will). The young, who were supposed to be frivolous and not care about the future, now adopt an air of concern about housing, jobs and debt. While the elderly, whose experience of life used to make them masters (and mistresses) of good sense, throw caution and everything else to the wind, blow their money on frivolous living and don't give a fig for what happens to the country they profess to love. Then there is America. For the whole of my life, the Russians (or Soviets or Russkies as they were variously called) were The Enemy, with China not far behind in the hatred stakes. What the Americans could rely on was being defended by the branches of their security services, especially the legendary FBI, and their magnificent tradition of judicial independence and strength. But in today's mad, mad, etc. etc. the president and administration of the United States cling to the Russians as their best friends, with China hugged to the bosom, too. While the FBI and CIA are vilified, their leaders undermined and kicked out, and judges treated like simpletons and minions. The lessons which were assumed to have been learnt from the first half of the 20th century and implemented through the second half are casually jettisoned. The USA and UK were believed to have the strongest political systems and constitutions in the world. They were monuments to civilisation. Who can seriously still believe that in the age of Trump and Brexit?
Friday, 12 May 2017
Things can only get worse
On May 2, 1997, I was among the hordes at the South Bank who heard Tony Blair declare: "A new dawn has broken, has it not?" Of course it hadn't, though in the immediate aftermath of his landslide election victory, with the strains of D-reams Things Can Only Get Better pounding in our ears, it seemed like it. Over the course of the next decade there certainly were changes but the idea that there would be instantly a New Britain thanks to New Labour was a mirage. Yet it is a natural and consistent human trait to believe that things do change instantly, as if by the waving of a wand. Politicians and journalists play to this, pretending that something can happen immediately. Though even dawn doesn't break in a micro-second.
One of the most fatuous parts of the Remain campaign during the referendum was George Osborne's claim that if the country voted to leave the EU, the economy would fall off a cliff, there would need to be an emergency Budget and every family would be £4,300 a year worse off. It was total nonsense designed to panic voters - as it had done in the Scottish referendum - but was so ridiculous it wasn't going to fool anyone.
At least ten years earlier, when I spoke at various schools putting the case for Europe, I used to say that if we left the EU, there wasn't a plug somewhere in the middle of the UK, possibly around West Bromwich, which would be pulled up and Britain would slowly sink under the waves. There would certainly be a serious decline but it would take place over years, not days. And so it is proving.
Yet there are still Leavers - not only among the masses - who believe that we should just get out of the EU NOW and that the lack of an impact on our economy since the referendum shows that nothing is going to happen. Even the drastic fall in the value of sterling hasn't immediately hit living standards. But it is coming, as the Governor of the Bank of England warned yesterday.
Theresa May is worried that it will hit in the next two years, which is why she has called this snap election. It may not even occur in that time scale. It may be closer to the following election in 2022. It could be even after that, with decline gradual as investment falls, firms move out, jobs are lost and tax revenues slip away leading to even worse public services. And who will the voters blame then?
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Someone heard an opinion that was voiced, On the radio
When the lists are produced of the great innovations of the past 50 years, the radio phone-in should be high up on it. Nothing better exposes the worst and best of the British people.
Included in this should be vox pops, which are even more random but are just as illustrative. Last night's World Tonight, which canvassed the views of people in Wrexham, perfectly illustrated the thoughtful, intelligent side of the electorate as well as its mindless idiocy. One woman's opinion that Labour didn't need and shouldn't go into minute detail about its policies was a brilliantly basic critique which came shortly before the leak of the party's manifesto. Gerald Kaufman's wonderful description of the 1983 manifesto as "The longest suicide note in history" was as important for the word "long" as it was for "suicide". The leaked manifesto falls into the same trap.
But in case listeners became complacent about the quality of the electorate, this woman was balanced by a bloke whose views didn't extend beyond "Get Out, and Get Out NOW". Of Europe, naturally, though he probably also meant immigrants.
This morning's Today was equally illustrative when Nick Robinson got the views of a sort of focus group over an Indian takeaway in Leeds. While there were some who were concerned about what leaving the EU would mean and its consequences, there was the usual "Get Out, and Get Out NOW" (hitherto to be known as GOaGON) guy who wanted to rid ourselves of those ghastly meddling foreigners so we could worship the Queen once again (I paraphrase, but only slightly). What is most disturbing about the GOaGEN bunch is that they can't ever listen to the growing number of business leaders, farmers, scientists, academics, the Irish government and so on - none with a political axe to grind - who warn of the enormous dangers Brexit will bring. Their utter lack of understanding of the incredibly complex inter-weaving of this country with the European Union and the difficulties and consequences of trying to break those tens of thousands of links is as upsetting as it is tragic. Far from acknowledging that, come what may, Theresa May is going to drive the UK out of the union into whatever uncertain, impoverished future lies ahead, they complain that she has wasted eight months and is dragging her feet. If it wasn't for the radio exposing us to real people who think like that, we might believe such absurd views were the exclusive property of the MailSunExpressTelegraph. Sooner or later they will discover that ignorance isn't bliss. It is disastrous.
Footnote: There is only one thing to say about the sacking of the head of the FBI: Lock him up! And I don't mean James Comey.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Roll on Jexit
Of all the reasons not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn, none better demonstrates his lack of understudying of what this country faces than his insistence that there must be no challenge to the drive to get the UK out of the EU.
He has never asked questions about the result of the referendum despite the obvious use of fraud and lies to achieve it. Even more critically, there is ever-growing evidence that it is going to be a catastrophe for this country and its people.
He has said nothing about the sharply rising inflation caused by the steep fall in the value of sterling which was a direct consequence of the referendum result. He blindly accepts the bizarre view that Brexit will bring all sorts of opportunities when there is no evidence of that - on the contrary, informed opinion is that it will do the opposite. He never warns that the inevitable economic slump which will come is going to badly hit public finances, leading to public services suffering. Much as Labour’s leader despises the banks, you might think he would at least be concerned that thousands of City jobs will move out of the UK. London’s loss will be a gain for Frankfurt, Dublin and Paris.
Corbyn’s reaction to Emmanuel Macron’s presidential victory was no more than a surly welcome of le Pen’s defeat, with no mention of the man who thrashed her. He has failed to comment on the new French president’s statement that Brexit means “…submission to the US. What is going to happen is not ‘taking back control’, it is servitude.’
Loopy anti-Europeans have always dismissed such statements as coming from people who don’t know what they are talking about, even when they are national leaders or major businessmen. Knowledge and experience count for nothing compared to swivel-eyed hatred of the EU and the unwavering belief that Britain can be great again standing alone against the world.
What an opportunity there is for the leader of the opposition to make an intelligent, passionate case for doing something positive with the terrible situation the nation has been plunged into. But that is outside Corbyn’s comfort zone which doesn’t stretch beyond a small group of adoring, naive lefties. His grasp of real life is tenuous. He has never really believed in the EU, pigeon-holing it as a capitalist conspiracy. So he plunges into this election pretty well supporting Theresa May on the single biggest issue. Which makes complete nonsense of her claim that she only called it because there was division and undermining of her position on Brexit at Westminster. What frauds they both are.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Why isn't the right question about immigrants ever asked?
The news at 6am this morning reported that the Tories are once again going to make a manifesto pledge to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands. About half an hour later there was an interview with the head of NHS Providers who is deeply concerned with, among other things, the drastic fall-off since the referendum in the number of EU nationals coming to work in our health service.
Some contradiction here? Not in the minds of the Conservatives, obviously, or of Ukip, which promises zero immigration in the xenophobic electoral escalation against “foreigners”.
It is an inescapable truth that a great number of people in this country - and many others - are concerned about immigration. Politicians are accused of not talking about the subject when the reality is that it is never far from the top of their agenda.
What particularly angers me is that not a single one of them makes the pro-immigration argument by asking the simple question about who the immigrants are. What they do ask (or blindly accept) is: Are there too many (or, in its even nastier version, Are we being swamped)? Instead, why don’t they ask these questions:
Do you want to stop doctors coming here? And nurses. When there is such a shortage of both. Do you want to prevent people coming who will care for our elderly? And if you do, who will look after your grandparents/parents/you in old age? Do you want to ban the people who pick our fruit and work on the land? Or will you go and do this back-breaking work yourself for a pittance? If not, are you happy to see the end of the great British agriculture industry? How about keeping out foreign students, who bring in huge amounts of much-needed funding for our universities? As well as the many non-UK academics who contribute so much as well as providing the academic diversity essential to higher education. Do you want to stop the bankers and other City high-fliers moving here, attracted by London’s (current) pre-eminence as the world’s financial centre, and who pay massive sums in UK tax, helping to fund our public services? And how would you propose plugging the gap that would be left in paying for the NHS, education, defence, law and order, and social services? And so the list and the questions go on.
There is hardly a business above corner-shop size which is not dependent on labour from other countries. They need immigrants which means our economy and prosperity depend on them. But when do you hear that argument? Rarely, and never from politicians. Instead we are fed prejudiced nonsense in a race to the bottom.
Friday, 5 May 2017
The pits and the pendulum
After the all-night dramas of the European referendum and the US presidential, there was nothing surprising listening through the night to the results of the local elections come in. Depressing, but not surprising.
Turning the fortunes of a political party is a slow business, even in this age of rapid swings. The electorate tends to fall out of love with a party over the course of several elections while taking a similar time to consummate its flirtation with an alternative.
The huge success of Labour under Blair in 1997 and 2001 has taken 20 years to evaporate and reduce the party to its present parlous state. Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is just the icing on the cake - or should that be the shit on the sandwich?
The change in the Tories' fortunes has taken even longer. From the heights of Thatcher's triumph in 1983 in the wake of the Falklands War, the decline was remorseless. We must never forget what a state the party was in under William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard. David Cameron began the task of turning around the tanker but he still couldn't win the 2010 election, which is why he had to go into a shotgun coalition with Nick Clegg. Even though he got an overall majority in 2015, that wasn't so much because he was trusted and accepted but due to the near-absolute collapse in support for the Liberal Democrats. It has taken the result of the referendum, which led to Cameron going to be replaced by a tunnel-visioned, hysterical Theresa May completely swallowing the Ukip agenda and the consequent collapse of that party, to once again put the Conservatives into an overwhelming position. Helped, of course, by Jeremy Corbyn.
That is what the results of the local elections confirm with next month's national poll sure to do the same.
The pendulum will swing once again, though how long that will take and, more importantly, in what direction, are the big questions. In any case, by the time that happens, there won't be much to save of this country - or what is left of it.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Two bloody hopeless women
If I had to choose whether I would rather be stuck on a desert island with Theresa May or Diane Abbott, I think my preference would be to eat myself rather than be condemned to suffer either of them.
Both had their day in the spotlight yesterday - well, as prime minister, May is never far away from it, but she did another big BBC interview, this one against a backdrop of Portsmouth Harbour (no one pushed her in), and was naturally the star, and only, turn on the Tories' first election broadcast.
Diane Abbott, despite the belief in the Corbyn camp that she is a great broadcast performer, gave the most excruciating exhibition on Nick Ferrari's LBC show.
Not for the first time, she came over as a politician who never reads a brief, doesn't know the facts, only thinks about things superficially and is convinced she can bullshit her way through anything because she is so witty, clever and charming.
The thought that she would be home secretary in a Corbyn government is both terrifying and laughable. At least she wouldn't be heckled or booed when she spoke at the Police Federation conference - delegates would be unable to as they would be guffawing so much.
Her being in charge of this country's complex Home Office organisation would be as ludicrous as Theresa May being in charge of it. Oh, hang on - she was - for a record six years. And now she is prime minister.
Every day Mrs May is bombarded by Brexit realities that should bury her, her government and her party. Yet on she ploughs robotically, parroting ridiculous lines that are an embarrassment to this country.
By singling out the May/Abbott duopoly I don't want to imply that women can't do what men can. On the contrary, women are on the whole better than men in politics at all levels. It is just these two women who have, for different reasons, risen to positions which they shouldn't be allowed near.
The same can be said about some men - stand up David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn, to name but two - but it is the prime minister and shadow home secretary who thrust themselves to the foreground yesterday. And succeeded in doing nothing except confirming what a mess this country and its politics are in.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Unwelcome in the hillsides
I am sitting in a rather nice cafe on the outskirts of Cardiff and wondering where the great Tory surge that is supposed to be sweeping across Wales is taking place.
There are an impressive number of election signs and posters up but they are all for Plaid Cymru or Wales Labour. I suppose they are for the local elections rather than the Big One a month later, but they do give an indication of the way support runs.
Perhaps, you might think, it is in the rural areas where admiration for Theresa May is to be found. Yet where I am is rural by most standards. So here I sit, musing and toying with the idea that in Wales it must be the former industrial areas which are moving to the Tories.
That was the story in the US presidential, where the rust-belt voters put Trump into power, and apparently in France, too, where that same type of electorate is now widely supportive of Marine le Pen.
These people - in all countries - share a disappointment in the usual politicians, a fall in living standards and an understandable anger. But they kick out at the wrong targets by giving their support to the very people who will do them even more damage.
I have just looked at today’s South Wales Echo which has on its front page: "Revealed - The hidden poverty in our valleys - Shocking tales of deprivation blighting the towns and villages of South Wales". Those tales, recounted by a charity, are indeed shocking. Some families are even living without beds or light bulbs.
Turn to page five of the Echo, though, and you will see that the latest Sunday Times Rich List revealed that two Welsh “power couples” have seen their wealth increase by more then £700 million in the past year and are now worth £2.6 billion and £1.6 billion respectively.
So, weighing these two stories against each other, we have on one hand families living in desperate poverty unable to even afford light bulbs and on the other people worth billions who can afford anything and everything they want. Is there something to be learnt from that? Apparently not for the Welsh voters who are jumping into bed with the Tories, the party of the rich and the one which destroyed their coal industry.
In the European referendum, Wales, unlike Scotland and Northern Ireland, voted to leave. Partly, in common with Leavers everywhere, because of the influx of immigrants.
The full top ten of wealthy couples in the Rich List is reproduced in the Echo. These are some of their family names: Bertarelli, de Carvalho, Santo Domingo, Pinault, Moritz, Zabludowicz and von Opel. I don’t know about you, but I can’t help feeling that none of those names sound particularly British.
As far as I am concerned, they are welcome here. But you never hear those voters who so vociferously and aggressively demand massive curbs on immigration insisting that this sort of incomer should be blocked.
Instead they want to stop those like Polish builders and Romanian agricultural workers who come here to work hard, doing jobs the indigenous population won’t, for low incomes Brits sniff at, as well as desperate refugees fleeing terrible persecution.
I don't blame most of those who hold such perverted views. The ones I do blame are the disgusting politicians and newspaper editors/proprietors who take advantage of their ignorance, stoke their prejudices and are leading the country and the world down a very dangerous path.
Monday, 1 May 2017
Baldrick would be proud of this plan
So this is Theresa May's cunning plan.
She calls an election, knowing she will win with a bigger majority than she has now and possibly by a landslide.
Then she goes into negotiations with the EU about the UK's exit, realising she is going to get absolutely zilch of what she has been proclaiming she will achieve. So out she walks.
Out of the negotiations and straight out of the European Union.
This theory is predicated on the assumption that the penny has dropped for the prime minister and she grasps how impossible it will be for her to get any of the things she has been trumpeting that she will get.
Leaked reports of her Downing Street meeting last week with EU leaders which led them to the conclusion that she lived on another galaxy show the absolute absence of a meeting of minds. When the barking Brexiteers, the ignoramuses who blindly follow them and the mugwumps who run the Tory press say "We told you so", there are only two routes she could follow. One is to admit that the attempt to leave the EU is absurd and will result in devastation for the UK. This is not going to happen, even though it is the only sensible, logical course.
The other is to flounce out, insisting that the other 27 nations are unreasonable and impossible to deal with. So here we go, leaping into our own brave future alone. Over the cliff edge, brothers and sisters, let us boldly go where only lemmings have gone before!
As a plan, this is so ridiculous that it would have been rejected from a Blackadder script as being too insane. If there was any serious thinking going on in the Government, they would work out that, if it would take at least 10 years to negotiate our EU exit, the time it would take to deal with the aftermath of a walkout would be even longer. Not five minutes but to infinity and beyond. For the legal and commercial implications are as vast as the Milky Way.
The latest poll suggests Theresa May is the most popular prime minister for 40 years. It will be interesting to see what the figure is in a year, let alone five, when the consequences of what she is doing hit home.
She calls an election, knowing she will win with a bigger majority than she has now and possibly by a landslide.
Then she goes into negotiations with the EU about the UK's exit, realising she is going to get absolutely zilch of what she has been proclaiming she will achieve. So out she walks.
Out of the negotiations and straight out of the European Union.
This theory is predicated on the assumption that the penny has dropped for the prime minister and she grasps how impossible it will be for her to get any of the things she has been trumpeting that she will get.
Leaked reports of her Downing Street meeting last week with EU leaders which led them to the conclusion that she lived on another galaxy show the absolute absence of a meeting of minds. When the barking Brexiteers, the ignoramuses who blindly follow them and the mugwumps who run the Tory press say "We told you so", there are only two routes she could follow. One is to admit that the attempt to leave the EU is absurd and will result in devastation for the UK. This is not going to happen, even though it is the only sensible, logical course.
The other is to flounce out, insisting that the other 27 nations are unreasonable and impossible to deal with. So here we go, leaping into our own brave future alone. Over the cliff edge, brothers and sisters, let us boldly go where only lemmings have gone before!
As a plan, this is so ridiculous that it would have been rejected from a Blackadder script as being too insane. If there was any serious thinking going on in the Government, they would work out that, if it would take at least 10 years to negotiate our EU exit, the time it would take to deal with the aftermath of a walkout would be even longer. Not five minutes but to infinity and beyond. For the legal and commercial implications are as vast as the Milky Way.
The latest poll suggests Theresa May is the most popular prime minister for 40 years. It will be interesting to see what the figure is in a year, let alone five, when the consequences of what she is doing hit home.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Three disasters in a day but still May walks on water
What a terrible day that was for the Government. The Foreign Secretary announced that the UK would join an attack on Syria if asked to by Donald Trump, without consulting Parliament - and then the Prime Minister refused to support him.
A judge ridiculed the attempt to avoid implementing anti-pollution laws by citing purdah before an election. And Angela Merkel could not have been blunter when spelling out the problems that will be faced by the UK's Brexit negotiators, even going as far as saying "some in Britain still have illusions" - and we know who they are.
This would be bad for any government at any time but coming at the start of a general election campaign it should be devastating. That it isn't is due to the weakness of the opposition, the fantasy picture of Theresa May many voters have and the failure of the media to properly bring together the stories which show the utter incompetence of today's Tories.
A YouGov poll in The Times yesterday showed that more people now think it is wrong to leave the EU than to stay - though this, you will recall, is supposed to be the nation which is now united behind Brexit according to the Prime Minister. No wonder the same poll also reveals a significant drop in support for the Conservatives, though they are still way ahead of Labour.
Voters are under no illusion about Jeremy Corbyn but they are about Theresa May. They have little confidence in Labour's shadow cabinet - if they know who any of them are - but still have faith in the Government, despite the buffoon Johnson and the other idiotic and incompetent Brexit fantasists.
Being in power is hard and complicated work, as even Trump now admits (as if the realisation has come as a surprise to him). The least we can expect is that those who seek to rule us should apply themselves with intelligence and diligence.
People don't trust Corbyn and his motley crew to do that and understandably so. But the fact that so many continue to believe in Theresa May and her gang, despite so much evidence to the contrary, is very frightening.
Footnote: The report finding that the £1.2 billion spent on the special cancer fund was a scandalous waste of taxpayers' money is another triumph for David Cameron, who introduced it, and the Daily Mail, which demanded it.
A judge ridiculed the attempt to avoid implementing anti-pollution laws by citing purdah before an election. And Angela Merkel could not have been blunter when spelling out the problems that will be faced by the UK's Brexit negotiators, even going as far as saying "some in Britain still have illusions" - and we know who they are.
This would be bad for any government at any time but coming at the start of a general election campaign it should be devastating. That it isn't is due to the weakness of the opposition, the fantasy picture of Theresa May many voters have and the failure of the media to properly bring together the stories which show the utter incompetence of today's Tories.
A YouGov poll in The Times yesterday showed that more people now think it is wrong to leave the EU than to stay - though this, you will recall, is supposed to be the nation which is now united behind Brexit according to the Prime Minister. No wonder the same poll also reveals a significant drop in support for the Conservatives, though they are still way ahead of Labour.
Voters are under no illusion about Jeremy Corbyn but they are about Theresa May. They have little confidence in Labour's shadow cabinet - if they know who any of them are - but still have faith in the Government, despite the buffoon Johnson and the other idiotic and incompetent Brexit fantasists.
Being in power is hard and complicated work, as even Trump now admits (as if the realisation has come as a surprise to him). The least we can expect is that those who seek to rule us should apply themselves with intelligence and diligence.
People don't trust Corbyn and his motley crew to do that and understandably so. But the fact that so many continue to believe in Theresa May and her gang, despite so much evidence to the contrary, is very frightening.
Footnote: The report finding that the £1.2 billion spent on the special cancer fund was a scandalous waste of taxpayers' money is another triumph for David Cameron, who introduced it, and the Daily Mail, which demanded it.
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Who is the real mugwump?
When Michael Foot was leader of the Labour Party, Private Eye used to call him Worzel Gummidge after the scruffy scarecrow on children's television. But none of the Thatcher Cabinet would have dreamt of calling him that.
In today's dysfunctional political landscape, the Foreign Secretary thinks nothing of calling the leader of the opposition "a mutton-headed old mugwump". John Healey, Labour's housing spokesman and one of the current party's few class acts, dealt well with this pathetic and shabby smear on the Today programme, dismissing it as the sort of thing Eton boys said.
This isn't enough to explain why Boris Johnson should think he could say it and get away with it, though. The Tory Party has always had more than its share of Eton and other public-school boys but what they brought to political life was dignity.
Their upbringing had been privileged, they may have behaved at school and university like the upper-class louts seen in the recent TV series Decline and Fall, but maturity and a sense of responsibility took over when they went into public life.
So what has happened to this country? Is a side effect of the death of deference - which is a good thing - the acceptance of nastiness and abuse? We don't just see it on social media but in parts of the media and now in politics.
Eton and other leading public schools didn't just provide the nation's rulers but much of the rest of the establishments. Now a "good" education is no barrier to some of those who go into politics behaving as crudely and mindlessly as the worst segments of the soccer terraces. Including to the rest of the establishment, such as judges.
Far from the vile ones being isolated and rejected, they are elevated to media sainthood - witness how hard it is to turn on the TV or radio without having Nigel Farage forced on you.
It isn't only in the UK, of course. Donald Trump didn't go to Eton (or any school, you might think) but he is as crude as they come, demeaning the long line of dignified US presidents. Even George W. Bush tried to look distinguished.
Where this takes politics in the future is impossible to forecast and too worrying to contemplate. What starts as a nasty smear or a rejection of treasured national structures and organisations is going to end badly. And remember, it was the sainted Theresa May who appointed Boris Johnson as foreign secretary.
In today's dysfunctional political landscape, the Foreign Secretary thinks nothing of calling the leader of the opposition "a mutton-headed old mugwump". John Healey, Labour's housing spokesman and one of the current party's few class acts, dealt well with this pathetic and shabby smear on the Today programme, dismissing it as the sort of thing Eton boys said.
This isn't enough to explain why Boris Johnson should think he could say it and get away with it, though. The Tory Party has always had more than its share of Eton and other public-school boys but what they brought to political life was dignity.
Their upbringing had been privileged, they may have behaved at school and university like the upper-class louts seen in the recent TV series Decline and Fall, but maturity and a sense of responsibility took over when they went into public life.
So what has happened to this country? Is a side effect of the death of deference - which is a good thing - the acceptance of nastiness and abuse? We don't just see it on social media but in parts of the media and now in politics.
Eton and other leading public schools didn't just provide the nation's rulers but much of the rest of the establishments. Now a "good" education is no barrier to some of those who go into politics behaving as crudely and mindlessly as the worst segments of the soccer terraces. Including to the rest of the establishment, such as judges.
Far from the vile ones being isolated and rejected, they are elevated to media sainthood - witness how hard it is to turn on the TV or radio without having Nigel Farage forced on you.
It isn't only in the UK, of course. Donald Trump didn't go to Eton (or any school, you might think) but he is as crude as they come, demeaning the long line of dignified US presidents. Even George W. Bush tried to look distinguished.
Where this takes politics in the future is impossible to forecast and too worrying to contemplate. What starts as a nasty smear or a rejection of treasured national structures and organisations is going to end badly. And remember, it was the sainted Theresa May who appointed Boris Johnson as foreign secretary.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Truth and lies
How was your weekend? Pretty bad for most of us, I suspect. The presumed eventual victory of Emmanuel Macron is a bright point but that shouldn't obscure the success of a neo-fascist candidate in running second, which means she still has a chance of becoming France's president, with all the horrific consequences that would bring.
As for the state of the so-called general election... Was there ever a more fatuous and irrelevant "policy" than Labour promising four new bank holidays to mark the saint days of the four UK nations?
However, as I don't want this blog to be an unremitting whinge, let me tell you about what cheered my weekend. I listened to the 1990 broadcast of Pravda, the play by David Hare and Howard Brenton, which is currently on iPlayer. It is a wonderfully funny but frightening tale of the takeover of a great British newspaper by a boorish, menacing South African, played magnificently by Anthony Hopkins on radio as he was when I saw the play on stage in the mid-1980s.
His character is clearly based on Rupert Murdoch, who had bought The Sun in 1969 and begun the process of dragging journalism downhill. Although Hopkins on-stage gave a performance which chillingly mirrored the voice and looming physical presence of Robert Maxwell, for whom `I then worked.
I don't suppose any of us at the time when Pravda was first performed (scooping up the Play of the Year award) would have thought what the next 30 years of `Murdoch's domination of the `British press would mean or bring. We are now about to suffer the ultimate effect - the withdrawal of this country from the European Union with the consequent catastrophic impact on our economy.
When Murdoch was giving evidence to the `Leveson inquiry he denied that he interfered in the editorial policy of his newspapers - a laughable claim (Pravda accurately portrays the behaviour of Murdoch, particularly in his early years in the UK).
There were two exceptions to his non-interference, though, he told Leveson. One was the decision on which party The Sun would support at general elections. The other was Europe.
So much of Fleet Street has been virulently anti-EU in recent years that it has been forgotten that for a long time it was The Sun which carried the banner to get us out, remorselessly and unremittingly, even when membership of the European Union was widely accepted and opposition the preserve of a lunatic fringe.
David Hare and Howard Brenton created a great piece of theatre more than 30 years ago graphically showing how Murdoch operated. Yet even they could not have foreseen what the consequences would be of leaving his power unchecked.
Footnote: If you want to know how phone hacking was encouraged and able to flourish at Murdoch titles, listen to Pravda. It is available on iPlayer for another 22 days.
As for the state of the so-called general election... Was there ever a more fatuous and irrelevant "policy" than Labour promising four new bank holidays to mark the saint days of the four UK nations?
However, as I don't want this blog to be an unremitting whinge, let me tell you about what cheered my weekend. I listened to the 1990 broadcast of Pravda, the play by David Hare and Howard Brenton, which is currently on iPlayer. It is a wonderfully funny but frightening tale of the takeover of a great British newspaper by a boorish, menacing South African, played magnificently by Anthony Hopkins on radio as he was when I saw the play on stage in the mid-1980s.
His character is clearly based on Rupert Murdoch, who had bought The Sun in 1969 and begun the process of dragging journalism downhill. Although Hopkins on-stage gave a performance which chillingly mirrored the voice and looming physical presence of Robert Maxwell, for whom `I then worked.
I don't suppose any of us at the time when Pravda was first performed (scooping up the Play of the Year award) would have thought what the next 30 years of `Murdoch's domination of the `British press would mean or bring. We are now about to suffer the ultimate effect - the withdrawal of this country from the European Union with the consequent catastrophic impact on our economy.
When Murdoch was giving evidence to the `Leveson inquiry he denied that he interfered in the editorial policy of his newspapers - a laughable claim (Pravda accurately portrays the behaviour of Murdoch, particularly in his early years in the UK).
There were two exceptions to his non-interference, though, he told Leveson. One was the decision on which party The Sun would support at general elections. The other was Europe.
So much of Fleet Street has been virulently anti-EU in recent years that it has been forgotten that for a long time it was The Sun which carried the banner to get us out, remorselessly and unremittingly, even when membership of the European Union was widely accepted and opposition the preserve of a lunatic fringe.
David Hare and Howard Brenton created a great piece of theatre more than 30 years ago graphically showing how Murdoch operated. Yet even they could not have foreseen what the consequences would be of leaving his power unchecked.
Footnote: If you want to know how phone hacking was encouraged and able to flourish at Murdoch titles, listen to Pravda. It is available on iPlayer for another 22 days.
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Welcome back. After a long break it is time for this blog to return. So much has happened since it took early retirement that the alternatives for it were either to doze forever in a bungalow on the south coast or to rise up and take arms against the sea of troubles which beset this country and the world.
Writing a blog may not be much in the great scheme of things but this is no time to stay silent. The seismic events of the last few years will be recorded in history by bemused academics who won't be able to understand how such absurdities could have been inflicted on themselves by the most educated, knowledgeable generations the planet has seen. Cave men would have had more sense.
Now the British people are embarking on a general election which will inevitably lead to a government which will dismantle many of the gains of the past 70 years.
In the coming days and weeks, Follow My Leaders will have an abundance of riches to comment on. For today, let us start with something which goes to the core of why so much is going wrong. The quality of politicians, not just in this country, is so abysmally low that it is hardly surprising that we are governed so badly. Of course there are noble exceptions. Barack Obama, for one. But, without even considering the man who is trying to fill his shoes, look at the ministers and shadow ministers here who are entrusted with guiding us through the most difficult period in peace-time.
Theresa May is out of her depth and almost all her Cabinet are unintelligent, lazy and/or mindlessly dogmatic. Jeremy Corbyn's heart may be in the right place much of the time but his head is on another planet. He is so bad it is embarrassing and a delight to ruthless Tories who want to rule unchallenged forever.
I should here offer an apology to Sam Coates, the deputy political editor of The Times. Much as I respect his judgment, I was dismissive last year when he said there would be a snap general election. It couldn't happen, I insisted. At least, it could only happen under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act if Labour MPs voted to destroy their party. And they couldn't possible be that stupid, could they?
Well, they could, because their leader is a bear of little brain and huge ego. So now, even though I think Theresa May won't achieve the enormous majority she thinks she will, Labour is done for. Which means there will be no opposition as our treasured institutions are undermined and sold off to rapacious, mainly foreign, companies and the UK is driven off the proverbial cliff to slow destruction.
Of course, that is only if World War III doesn't break out first.
Writing a blog may not be much in the great scheme of things but this is no time to stay silent. The seismic events of the last few years will be recorded in history by bemused academics who won't be able to understand how such absurdities could have been inflicted on themselves by the most educated, knowledgeable generations the planet has seen. Cave men would have had more sense.
Now the British people are embarking on a general election which will inevitably lead to a government which will dismantle many of the gains of the past 70 years.
In the coming days and weeks, Follow My Leaders will have an abundance of riches to comment on. For today, let us start with something which goes to the core of why so much is going wrong. The quality of politicians, not just in this country, is so abysmally low that it is hardly surprising that we are governed so badly. Of course there are noble exceptions. Barack Obama, for one. But, without even considering the man who is trying to fill his shoes, look at the ministers and shadow ministers here who are entrusted with guiding us through the most difficult period in peace-time.
Theresa May is out of her depth and almost all her Cabinet are unintelligent, lazy and/or mindlessly dogmatic. Jeremy Corbyn's heart may be in the right place much of the time but his head is on another planet. He is so bad it is embarrassing and a delight to ruthless Tories who want to rule unchallenged forever.
I should here offer an apology to Sam Coates, the deputy political editor of The Times. Much as I respect his judgment, I was dismissive last year when he said there would be a snap general election. It couldn't happen, I insisted. At least, it could only happen under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act if Labour MPs voted to destroy their party. And they couldn't possible be that stupid, could they?
Well, they could, because their leader is a bear of little brain and huge ego. So now, even though I think Theresa May won't achieve the enormous majority she thinks she will, Labour is done for. Which means there will be no opposition as our treasured institutions are undermined and sold off to rapacious, mainly foreign, companies and the UK is driven off the proverbial cliff to slow destruction.
Of course, that is only if World War III doesn't break out first.
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